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Commonwealth Youth Ministers Meeting is held every four years and is the most important meeting to deliberate on the Commonwealth youth development agenda. It brings together ministers, senior government officials, youth representatives and youth development stakeholders from across the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth has established unique mechanisms whereby young people are represented at all levels of decision-making, including a seat and voice at the Ministerial table at the meeting.

The Commonwealth Youth Leaders Forum will be a meeting point for Commonwealth Youth Leaders and Representatives to contribute to the discussion on the role and contribution of young people at the centre of sustainable development in the Commonwealth.

The main purpose for producing policy papers is to put young people’s views across on how the next generation can be integrated into all aspects of development policy and planning, how states can facilitate the economic, social, and political empowerment of young people, and how different stakeholders and sectors can collaborate together.


Seek to establish a Commonwealth consensus to be shared with the UN High Level Taskforce on the post 2015 development agenda, so that youth development challenges and youth participation are more adequately represented in the global development framework. Think about how we can incorporate youth development as part of the post 2015 development agenda, and which specific policies should be emphasized.


With significant youth unemployment a priority issue in most member countries, there is an acknowledged development need to focus on job creation as a key part of sustainable growth. Think about policy solutions aimed at stimulating employment, especially through youth enterprise, and ways to develop young people’s entrepreneurial skills, promote financial inclusion of young people, and better link education and human resource development strategies. Also think about policy recommendations regarding how the private sector, other government bodies, and development agencies can partner together to improve the national macro-economic landscape to increase youth employment.


Meaningful youth participation, in particular informed access to decision making processes, is central to the design and implementation of effective national development strategies. Think about non-traditional approaches to youth engagement and participation, and recommend future policies to support youth networks and platforms at national and regional levels.


Young people are increasingly expressing concern about the integrity of leadership at all levels, and therefore the future of their countries and the Commonwealth. Think about the different ways in which values-based leadership can be promoted and role modeled in the Commonwealth, with particular focus on issues such as rule of law, ethics, human rights, good governance, respect for diversity and equity.

POLICY PAPERS:                                                                               

SHORTLISTED POLICY PAPERS:                                                                                                      

Values-based Leadership:

On Intergenerational Equity and the Integrity of Global Leadership

Policy Paper prepared by Simon Bayley, on behalf of Future Foreign Policy.

Youth Employment and Enterprise:

How to Break the Experience Conundrum

Policy Paper prepared by Ross Gillam, on behalf of Future Foreign Policy

Post 2015 Development Agenda:

Putting Rights into Development

Policy Paper prepared by Sam Storr, on behalf of Future Foreign Policy Ltd.

Youth Employment and Enterprise:

International 'talent growing' initiatives

Policy Paper prepared by Adam Lenton, on behalf of Future Foreign Policy.

Youth Voice and Youth-led Activity:

Mainstreaming Youth Concerns in Politics

Policy Paper prepared by Jonathan Couturier, on behalf of Future Foreign Policy.

Youth Voice and Youth-led Activity:

Technology as a tool for youth participation and democratic engagement

Policy Paper prepared by Ross White, on behalf of Future Foreign Policy.